I figured out recently that my $12 Spotify Premium subscription includes a changing library of audiobooks. I’ve already had a chance to listen to “The End of Race Politics” by Coleman Hughes and Matt Taibbi’s, “Hate, Inc.” Yes and yes to both of those. Right now, they have Friedrich Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom” in the rotation. Another yes!
“The Road to Serfdom” is about the tragic progression of progressivism. How it starts, the control, the censorship, the speech police, the divisive identitarianism, the erosion of freedoms, tyranny, totalitarianism. Though the book is 80 years old, it’s completely relevant.
The neoprogressivist triad – Big Government, Big Labor, and Big Business are taking us there as we speak.
We need to elect moderates, not progressivists, in order to get off the road to serfdom. Please help. The laws these people lobby for and the dystopic failed solutions they push are tragic failures. The problems don’t get solved because the failure industry and the politics that accompany it have us on the road to serfdom. By design. They’re using all of our money and making things worse so they can be further in charge.
As a Bipartisan Wing Democrat working to rebuild the political center, it’s been jolting to witness the infiltration of progressivist left-wing radicals into the party tent over the last 10 years. I go to the meetings. I’ve run for office. I’m reporting first-hand. Myself, I’m a moderate, not a radical. I’m for freedom and equality, not control by the triad in every corner of my life and discrimination somehow burnished and given a prime position in the paradigm.
They’re hoisting their dangerous values on us. They are the loudest voices in the room. Many have oodles of time on their hands. Our progressivist leaders and electeds both give them orders and take orders from them at our expense. They’re successfully hollowing out our middle class and destabilizing our families, businesses, communities, schools, cities, and country. They don’t support our constitution or western civilization for that matter. They have a plan for us.
It’s past time that we stop coddling these folks and take away their megaphone at city hall, the capitol and elected politics in general. I recommend that you seek out and vote for moderate candidates no matter D or R and wash the progressivist radicals right out of our lives.
Watch for The Seattle Journal’s “2024 General Election Voting Guide for Moderates” next week. Definitely have a listen to Hayek’s book on Spotify or elsewhere. It’ll rock your boat.