Hidden in the hegemony of fringe partisan politics is a voting majority of reasonable people who have very little representation. The Bipartisan Wing is a PAC to fix that. Our mission is to unite center-left and center-right voters into a collaborative and unstoppable voting bloc.
Both the Republican and Democratic parties have lost their centers. Here in Seattle where I’m launching The Bipartisan Wing, longtime Democrats are mumbling things like “not my Democratic party”. Others just “walk away” which is what I did in 2016, but now I know that abandoning or ignoring the parties altogether leaves the fox guarding the hen house.
Most people don’t have a vote at their local partisan legislative district groups (LDs) because they’re not members or PCOs (precinct committee officers). Frankly, most people don’t even know what an LD or PCO is. I’ve been there. Less than one-half of one percent of people who call themselves Democrats or Republicans ever join their partisan group. Even fewer people attend. Yet even fewer people run for PCO. The reality is that when we call ourselves Democrats or Republicans, never participating or even knowing what the platforms say, we’re phoning it in and that’s a problem.
The Bipartisan Wing’s mission is to change all that because bipartisans must be in the room where it happens. It being the development of party platforms, endorsements of candidates, distribution of campaign literature, and more. We have the power to draw both parties (and the policies and electeds that come with them) to the center and we must use it.
My state of Washington has 49 Legislative Districts. Each LD has about 100 precincts with about 1000 people in each. I’m in precinct SEA 36-1306. Find out where you are by googling “find my (insert your county) voting precinct”. Precincts are the finest grain of our democratic election system. In Seattle, it’s just me and a thousand of my neighbors within a couple of blocks of my house. Voters in each party elect their committee officers (PCOs) to serve two-year terms for their precincts, elected in even-numbered years like this one and this is filing week.
I’m running for Democrat PCO in SEA 36-1306 and I hope that as a bipartisan you will find your LD and precinct and run as well in whichever party you prefer to influence. If no one runs against me, I’ll be elected. If more than one person runs, everyone will be on the ballot. I didn’t need the party to nominate me, I nominated myself and filed this morning. Once elected PCO, I’ll have much more power than regular voting members at the local LD partisan meetings.
Even if you don’t run for PCO in your LD, please do join your D group or R group, or both and get on their email lists for meeting info. Just google (fill in your LD number) District Democrats or (fill in your LD number) District Republicans. As a bipartisan, I follow both the 36th District Democrats and the 36th District Republicans, but I only vote at the D meetings. I look forward to representing with you as bipartisan at these meetings to counterbalance the extremities. I also have friends, neighbors, and associates in both parties, so it’s great to see them and socialize as well.
Good luck joining the groups, filing for PCO and getting elected to public office.
Please visit https://bipartisanwing.org to contact us, subscribe to our newsletter, or to make a supporting donation. Social links are there as well.