Down the Stretch

Three weeks until election day. The presidential candidates are decidedly not Abe Lincoln and Eleanor Roosevelt, although they are running under their party labels.

Have no over-expectations. A nasty campaign will become even nastier as the fateful day nears. Trump, Harris and their campaign commercials will be depicting their opponents in the worst conceivable terms. I would be surprised if one or both parties did not attempt hanky-panky defiance of state election laws. A few key electoral states will tell the tale on election day. Present polling shows them tightly contested and a close race for control as well of Senate and House.

A Trump victory will be denounced by opponents as a victory for fascism, a Harris win as a takeover by Berkeley/Oakland Wokesters. It will be well to remember, though, that checks and balances in our system will restrain attempts at excess by the next President.

Midterm elections, two years hence, are likely to be further correctives of any excess. We’ve passed through Civil War, financial and economic crises, slavery, mistaken foreign wars, periodic radical movements, political assassinations, and other tests of our system. We, the American people, have proved stronger over the longer term than any temporary leaders or swings in opinion. Cast your votes and, whatever the outcome, hang in there for the USA and what it has stood for. And stay involved where you live.